Node JS Kafka


1 min read

Please go through my previous blog posts like setup Kafka in windows and how to write publisher/subscriber

setup Kafka in windows

write Kafka publisher/subscriber in node js

Get All the Topics in current Kafka listener

import kafkajs in your app.js file

const { Kafka } = require('kafkajs')

Now define kafka configuration like kafka listener/server. In my case it is ''

const kafka = new Kafka({
  brokers: ['']

create kafka admin client using kafka.admin() like this:

const admin = kafka.admin()

use listTopics() method using admin like this:

const getAllTopics = async () => {
        await admin.connect();
        return await admin.listTopics();

getAllTopics() is a promise and we will have to resolve it.

return getAllTopics().then(allTopics => {

Get offsets of the topic

use fetchTopicOffsets() method using admin like this. We will have to pass topic name in this method

const fetchTopicOffsets = async (topicName) => {
        await admin.connect();
        return await admin.fetchTopicOffsets(topicName);

fetchTopicOffsets () is a promise and we will have to resolve it:

return fetchTopicOffsets(topicName.toString()).then(topicOffset => {